Nutcracker Tin of Nuts$19.99PriceYour choice of 1/4 pound of two different nuts = 1/2 pound total Perfect Holiday Gift!Cinnamon Glazed Pecans, or Almonds, or CashewsRoasted Salted Cashews or Pistachios, Peanuts, or MixedChocolate Covered Almonds or RaisinsWhat are your 2 choice options for your tin?0/500QuantityAdd to Cart
Nutcracker Tin of Nuts$19.99PriceYour choice of 1/4 pound of two different nuts = 1/2 pound total Perfect Holiday Gift!Cinnamon Glazed Pecans, or Almonds, or CashewsRoasted Salted Cashews or Pistachios, Peanuts, or MixedChocolate Covered Almonds or RaisinsWhat are your 2 choice options for your tin?0/500QuantityAdd to Cart